

Success Over and Above the Rest

Our Vision: To foster an environment of understanding and accountability of personal and social responsibilities. The foundation will be provided to students to take full ownership and accountability of their unique and valuable opportunities. It is our intent to help students transition to their most important game – LIFE.

Our Mission: To provide the educational instructions, resources, and services to enhance the complete student experience. The S.O.A.R. program is built to enrich the student’s academic and social platform to provide the wholesome values and skill set for excellence.

Our Implementation: Is referenced as the “Playbook for Success” which is built and supported by four pillars, 1). a twelve action steps for freshmen, 2). twelve for sophomores, 3). six for juniors and 4.) three for seniors. These pillars are firmly anchored on a foundation of academic and social enhancement, engagement and empowerment.

Our Curriculum: Is designed specifically for high school freshmen through college sophomores.

confidence • composure • character

501(c)(3) Public Charity

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